Carpooling is about sharing ones personal vehicle with others travelling the same route. It is a complementary to other modes of transport. Carpooling is ecological, economical and user friendly.

Carpool car parks

Carpooling platforms

There are many websites in the Greater Region that match people offering rides and people needing them.

  • A site dedicated to border area residents who live in Lorraine and travel to Luxembourg

Carpooling between neighbours and colleagues

You have the same point of departure or arrival as your neighbours and colleagues. Suggest carpooling!

Carpooling is increasingly common, and increasingly supported by companies who want to help reduce pollution and congestion as well as to promote teambuilding and a feeling of solidarity at work. Post your ad on dedicated websites or on physical bulletin boards in your company or neighbourhood.

Reserved car park for carpooling sign
Bienvenue aux covoitureurs et aux cyclistes

Mobiregio is a collaborative platform bringing the public transport operators of the Greater Region together. Through cooperation we find ways to work together, exchange knowledge and best practices and inform the public of their options to travel in a sustainable way through the Greater Region.